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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2020-04: Cheng F, Li HZ, Brooks BW, You J* Retrospective risk assessment of chemical mixtures in the big data era: An alternative classification strategy to integrate chemical and toxicological data. Environ Sci & Technol 2020, 54, 5925-5927
发表时间:2020-03-10     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2020-03: Wang DL, Ren JB, Tan ZY, You J* Gut microbial profiles in Nereis succinea and their contribution to the degradation of organic pollutants. Environ Sci & Technol 2020, 54, 6235-6243
下一篇:2020-05: Wei FH, Su TH, Wang DL, Li HZ, You J* Transcriptomic analysis reveals common pathways and biomarkers associated with oxidative damage caused by mitochondrial toxicants in Chironomus dilutus. Chemosphere. 2020. 254, 126746.