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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2020-10: Wang Z, Berninger JP, You J*, Brooks BW, One uncertainty factor does not fit all: Identifying mode of action and species specific acute to chronic ratios for aquatic life. Environ Pollut 2020. 262, 114262
发表时间:2020-05-13     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2020-09: Wang DL, Ning Q, Dong JY, Brooks BW, You J* Predicting mixture toxicity and antibiotic resistance of fluoroquinolones and their photodegradation products in Escherichia coli. Environ Pollut, 2020. 262, 114275.
下一篇:2020-11: Xiong JJ, Li HZ, Ma X, Tan BX, You J.* A new configuration of polar organic chemical integrative sampler with nylon membranes to monitor emerging organophosphate ester contaminants in urban surface water, Ecotox Environ Saf. 2020, 202, 110891