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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2024-9: Fan Wu, Shaoqiong Zhang, Huizhen Li*, Peipei Liu, Hang Su, Yueyang Zhang, Bryan W. Brooks, and Jing You. Toxicokinetics explain differential freshwater ecotoxicity of nanoencapsulated imidacloprid compared to its conventional active ingredient. En
发表时间:2024-05-27     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2024-8: Cheng F, Escher BI, Li HZ*,... You J*. Deep learning bridged bioactivity, structure, and GC-HRMS-readable evidence to decipher nontarget toxicants in sediments. ES&T, 2024.
下一篇:2024-10: Yujun Tong, Huizhen Li,...Jing You.Evidence from in-situ bioassays and suspect analysis revealed region-specific aquatic risk across socioeconomic gradients in China. Environment & Health, 2024.