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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2023-14: Wang DL, Zhong YH, Ding Q, Han XF, Chen K, Pan B, You J* Distinct effects of nano-polystyrene, erythromycin and their mixtures on composition and metabolic profile of intestinal microbiota in Nereis succinea. Environ. Sci. Nano. 2023, 10, 2053-20
发表时间:2023-05-24     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2023-13: Su YR, Li FX, Xiao XX, Li HZ, Wang DL*, You J. Ecological risk of galaxolide and its transformation product galaxolidone: Evidence from the literature and a case study in Guangzhou waterways. Environ Sci Proc. Imp. 2023. doi:10.1039/D3EM00139C
下一篇:2023-16: Cheng F, Huang JH, Li HZ*, ... You J* Text mining-based suspect screening for aquatic risk assessment in the big data era: Event-driven taxonomy links chemical exposures and hazards. ES&T Lett 2023,10,1004-1010