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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2023-9: Gong YT, Xiong JJ*, Tan BX, Li HZ*, Ma X, Yi H, Wang L, You J. Occurrence and water-sediment exchange of systemic insecticides and their transformation products in an agriculture-dominated basin. J Hazard Mat. 2023, 458, 131851
发表时间:2023-01-24     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2023-8: Ding Q, Yu J, Wang DL*, You J. Mutual effects of microplastics and microbes: tiny things have big impacts, Future Microbiology, 2023, 18, 159-162
下一篇:2023-10: Wu F*, Chen K, Cheng F, You J.* Life cycle thinking supports 21st century new pollutant and chemical management, Integ Environ Assess Manag, 2023, 19, 859-860