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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2022-14: Xiao XX, Wang DL*, Tong YJ, Zhou ZM, Liu Y, Li HZ, You J. Spatial Distribution of benthic toxicity and sediment-bound metals and arsenic in Guangzhou urban waterways: Influence of land use. J Hazard Mat, 2022, 439, 129634
发表时间:2022-07-31     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2022-13: Zhou Z, Bai Y, Su T,...You J.* Investigations on the fish acute toxicity of fragrance ingredients, involving Chinese fish species and zebrafish embryos. Environ Toxicol Chem, 2022, 41, 2305-2317
下一篇:2022-15: Tong YJ, Zhao XX, Li HZ*, Pei YY, Ma P, You J. Using homing pigeons to monitor atmospheric organic pollutants in a city heavily involving in coal mining industry. Chemosphere, 2022, 307, 135679