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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2022-11: Wang DL, Ning Q, Deng ZQ, Zhang M, You J.* Role of environmental stresses in elevating resistance mutations in bacteria: Phenomena and mechanisms. Environ Pollut,2022, 307, 119603
发表时间:2022-06-18     阅读次数:     字体:【

上一篇:2022-10: Cheng F, Zhou ZM, Wu F, Li HZ, Yu ZQ, Zeng XY, You J* Data-driven endpoint selection in data-poor scenarios: Bioassay design for shale gas flowback and produced waters. Environ Sci Technol Lett, 2022, 9, 1074-1080
下一篇:2022-12: Liu Y, Li FX, Li HZ*, Tong YJ, Li WZ, You J. Bioassay-based identification and removal of target and suspect toxicants in municipal wastewaters... J Hazard Mat 2022, 437, 129426