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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2015-06: Li HZ, You J.* Application of species sensitivity distribution in aquatic probabilistic ecological risk assessment of cypermethrin: A case study in an urban stream in South China, Environ Toxicol Chem, 2015, 34, 640–648
发表时间:2015-06-16     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2015-05: Yi XY, Li HZ, Ma P, You J* Identifying the causes of sediment-associated toxicity in urban waterways in South China: Incorporating bioavailability-based measurements into whole-sediment toxicity identification evaluation. Environ Toxicol Chem, 34
下一篇:2015-07: Wang F, Qi HX, You J.* Joint toxicity of sediment-associated DDT and copper to a polychaete, Nereis succinea. Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24, 424–432