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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

2017-04: Li HZ, Wang F, You J* Bioaccumulation of sediment-bound dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and heavy metals in benthic polychaete, Nereis succinea from a typical mariculture zone in South China. Mar Pollut Bull, 2017, 124, 1040–1047
发表时间:2017-06-17     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:2017-05: Pei YY, Halbrook SR, Li HZ, You J* Homing pigeons as a biomonitor for atmospheric PAHs and PCBs in Guangzhou, a megacity in South China. Mar Pollut Bull, 2017, 124, 1048–1054
下一篇:2017-06: Pei YY, Li HZ, You J* Determining equilibrium partition coefficients between lipid/protein and polydimethylsiloxane for highly hydrophobic organic contaminants using preloaded disks, Sci Total Environ, 2017, 598, 385–392