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Aquatic Risk Assessment and Management

Wu F*, Zhou Z, Hicks AL. Life cycle impact of titanium dioxide nanoparticle synthesis through physical, chemical, and biological routes. Environ Sci & Technol, 2019, 53, 4078-4087
发表时间:2019-01-05     阅读次数:     字体:【
上一篇:Wu F, Ghamkhar R, Ashton W, Hicks AL* Sustainable seafood and vegetable production: aquaponics as a potential opportunity in urban areas. Integ Environ Assess Manag, 2019, 15, 832-843.
下一篇:李慧珍,裴媛媛,游静*. 流域水环境复合污染生态风险评估的研究进展。科学通报,2019,64: 3412-3428